Media Monitoring (April 30)

“Clueless Airline Provides Accidental Customer Service Training In Rainy Seattle”



April 28, 2014

Summary: Solomon was recently on a flight to Seattle in which the airline workers didn’t think to cover the bags when they moved them across the tarmac; many were people were unhappy to claim soggy luggage. He goes on to point out that most of the flight workers do not have the same circumstances (they have their luggage with them) much like a restaurant will blast the AC because the servers are moving around and working.

Relevance: This is a good anecdote about customer service. We have to always be thinking about our guests and what we can do for them, even if it is outside of our experience. We could mention something about this in an employee newsletter. Continue reading

Media Monitoring (April 16)

“US Airways tweet: Pornographic photo posted on Twitter was human error, airline says”



April 15, 2014

Summary: When a disgruntled flier took to Twitter to complain about her US Airways experience, the company accidentally sent her a link to an airplane-themed pornographic image instead of a customer service survey.

Relevance: We could use this to draw some attention to ourselves by posting a joke on our Twitter feed such as “although we never want our customers to be unhappy, we promise that if you are we won’t send you porn.” Air Pacific could use this event to contrast professionalism. Continue reading